[노원 고혈압] 백새누리 쇼의사, 백은경 원장 출연! 바로손병원 영양건강상담사 칼럼

TV조선 백새누리쇼에 백운경 원장이 내과 의료진을 대표해서 출연하고 있죠~ TV조선 백새누리쇼에 백운경 원장이 내과 의료진을 대표해서 출연하고 있죠~

출처 : TV조선의 백세누리쇼, 이날의 주제는 ‘당뇨관리’였습니다. 당뇨병은 일시적이 아니라 장기적으로 꾸준히 관리해야 하는 질환입니다. 당뇨병 외에도 삶의 질을 저하시키는 가장 흔한 만성 질환은 고혈압입니다. 고혈압은 심근경색, 심부전, 뇌졸중 등의 심뇌혈관질환 발생 위험을 높입니다. 가장 흔하지만 위험한 질환인 고혈압 치료식에 대해서 도봉구 고혈압바로손병원 검진센터 민우홍 영양건강상담사의 칼럼을 여러분께 공유하고자 합니다. 고객을 위해 직립한 병원 출처 : TV조선의 백세누리쇼, 이날의 주제는 ‘당뇨관리’였습니다. 당뇨병은 일시적이 아니라 장기적으로 꾸준히 관리해야 하는 질환입니다. 당뇨병 외에도 삶의 질을 저하시키는 가장 흔한 만성 질환은 고혈압입니다. 고혈압은 심근경색, 심부전, 뇌졸중 등의 심뇌혈관질환 발생 위험을 높입니다. 가장 흔하지만 위험한 질환인 고혈압 치료식에 대해서 도봉구 고혈압바로손병원 검진센터 민우홍 영양건강상담사의 칼럼을 여러분께 공유하고자 합니다. 고객을 위해 직립한 병원

중년 이후에 많이 발생하기 쉬운 고혈압 중년 이후에 많이 발생하기 쉬운 고혈압

중년 이후 많이 발생하기 쉬운 고혈압, 고혈압을 방치하면 뇌졸중으로 사망할 가능성을 높일 뿐 아니라 노년기 치매의 주범이 될 수 있다. 혈압이 높으면 뇌에 있는 미세혈관이 터지고 이것이 반복되면 결국 뇌경색이나 뇌출혈이 발생하게 된다. 따라서 뇌혈관 질환을 예방하기 위해서는 혈압 관리가 무엇보다 중요하다. 전 세계 유명 정치인인 루스벨트, 스탈린도 고혈압으로 쓰러져 결국 사망했다. 중년 이후 많이 발생하기 쉬운 고혈압, 고혈압을 방치하면 뇌졸중으로 사망할 가능성을 높일 뿐 아니라 노년기 치매의 주범이 될 수 있다. 혈압이 높으면 뇌에 있는 미세혈관이 터지고 이것이 반복되면 결국 뇌경색이나 뇌출혈이 발생하게 된다. 따라서 뇌혈관 질환을 예방하기 위해서는 혈압 관리가 무엇보다 중요하다. 전 세계 유명 정치인인 루스벨트, 스탈린도 고혈압으로 쓰러져 결국 사망했다.

(기사출처: http://weekly1.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2005/10/26/2005102677056.html ) (기사출처: http://weekly1.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2005/10/26/2005102677056.html )

Roosevelt Stalin doesn’t give in to high blood pressure either ▲ (from left) Franklin Roosevelt, Stalin and Kakuei Tanaka. The “silent stabber” high blood pressure also claimed the lives of famous foreign figures. The BBC in July 2000 dealt with the health problems of celebrities and said, “People who receive colorful lighting often appear after their condition worsens or after suffering from fatal diseases.” The same is true of the hypertension of the giant trees. It’s not until he’s been killed that he’s known to the public. Franklin Roosevelt, the 32nd president of the United States who led the Second World War to victory for the Allies, also knelt down in front of high blood pressure. Britain at the Yalta Conference in February 1944…weekly1.chosun.com Roosevelt Stalin doesn’t give in to high blood pressure either ▲ (from left) Franklin Roosevelt, Stalin and Kakuei Tanaka. The “silent stabber” high blood pressure also claimed the lives of famous foreign figures. The BBC in July 2000 dealt with the health problems of celebrities and said, “People who receive colorful lighting often appear after their condition worsens or after suffering from fatal diseases.” The same is true of the hypertension of the giant trees. It’s not until he’s been killed that he’s known to the public. Franklin Roosevelt, the 32nd president of the United States who led the Second World War to victory for the Allies, also knelt down in front of high blood pressure. Britain at the Yalta Conference in February 1944… weekly1.chosun.com

In particular, foods such as herring and herring, which Stalin enjoyed, are also converted into visceral fat in the body if eaten late at night, blocking the flow of blood. In particular, salty fish raise blood pressure, so using natural fish without salt can be a snack for high blood pressure patients. If herbs such as curry powder and rosemary, which are low in salt, are used instead of salt, it can be a healthy food that lowers blood pressure. Foods such as herring and herring, especially those enjoyed by Stalin, for hypertensive patients, are also converted into visceral fat in the body if they are eaten late at night, blocking the flow of blood. In particular, salty fish raise blood pressure, so using natural fish without salt can be a snack for high blood pressure patients. If herbs such as curry powder and rosemary, which are low in salt, are used instead of salt, it can be a healthy food that lowers blood pressure. therapeutic diet for hypertensive patients

-Mackerel curry-grilled fish, lemon garlic-grilled fish, rosemary-grilled mackerel, saury, salmon, and tuna are rich in linolenic acid to lower blood pressure and prevent blood clotting, which helps prevent strokes along with high blood pressure. In order to lower blood pressure, it is recommended to remove salt and consume potassium-rich foods that lower blood pressure. Potatoes combine 1:1 with sodium to release sodium from the body (WHO, 2003). Potatoes lower blood pressure and prevent strokes and myocardial infarction. -Mackerel curry-grilled fish, lemon garlic-grilled fish, rosemary-grilled mackerel, saury, salmon, and tuna are rich in linolenic acid to lower blood pressure and prevent blood clotting, which helps prevent strokes along with high blood pressure. In order to lower blood pressure, it is recommended to remove salt and consume potassium-rich foods that lower blood pressure. Potatoes combine 1:1 with sodium to release sodium from the body (WHO, 2003). Potatoes lower blood pressure and prevent strokes and myocardial infarction.

potassium source food: Avocado, banana, potato, spinach, beans, sour fruits, fish, but these potassium-rich foods should be restricted if they have kidney disease or have high potassium levels, so they should be taken in an appropriate amount according to individual prescription treatments through a clinical nutritionist. (This content was written by a nutrition and health counselor at the Baroson Hospital Examination Center.) Baroson Hospital Nutrition and Health Consultation Inquiry: 070-4022-6766-Baroson Hospital customers can receive free high blood pressure treatment diet. – potassium source food: Avocado, banana, potato, spinach, beans, sour fruits, fish, but these potassium-rich foods should be restricted if they have kidney disease or have high potassium levels, so they should be taken in an appropriate amount according to individual prescription treatments through a clinical nutritionist. (This content was written by a nutrition and health counselor at the Baroson Hospital Examination Center.) Baroson Hospital Nutrition and Health Consultation Inquiry: 070-4022-6766-Baroson Hospital customers can receive free high blood pressure treatment diet. –

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